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Etat Data Scientist

Firma: LeverX Group miejsce pracy: Wrocław

Data Scientist
  • 4+ years of data science experience.
  • Experience and understanding of approaches to data analysis (probability theory and statistics, table data analysis experience); experience with statistical libs like scipy, statsmodels, etc.).
  • Familiarity with machine learning (both supervised and unsupervised) classical models and neural networks and experience with popular frameworks (sklearn, LightGBM, xgboost, keras, pytorch, etc.).
  • Ability to create API for a developed solution (FastAPI, Flask, django rest framework, tensorflow-serving, pytorch-serving, Docker, etc.).
  • Experience with reporting and visualization tools and libs (matplotlib, seaborn, plotly, altair, possibly jupyter notebooks, streamlit, tensorboard, etc.).
  • Intermediate spoken English.
  • Support startups with data science research and development.
  • Participate in internal products development.
Prosimy o dopisanie klauzuli: Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych dla potrzeb niezbędnych w procesie rekrutacji.

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Etat HR Copywriter w firmie: LeverX Group miejsce pracy: Wrocław 19-05-2023

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Data dodania: 15-12-2021
Wyświetleń: 165